Friday, August 31, 2007

Californication= BOOBIES

We just finished the first three episodes of Californication and i think the best description one could give would be, as Des said...." lots of boobies" (with a huge smile)......
In a world where Hank Moody (David Duchovny) is an sexy beast, irresistible to any and every woman he meets. So far he almost always fornicates with at least 3 women in each of the episodes. Of course there are other people in the show who gets to have sex, but i will not reveal anything here. All in all.... it is about Boobies.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

30: Job, Art, food, blood moons

It has been a while since i updated, and almost 2 months since i've become the 30s people. Nothing much has changed though, being 30. But i guess having a job is great. A stable income, no need to worry about finishing experiments for thesis, and i guess most importantly the job i have has been pretty good. My boss, has not been demanding, but very understanding about why thing are not moving forward. At one point, i had to ask her if she had more work for me to do cos i was bored. Overall, being 30 and working is great.

I've been looking to buy more art for my collection, but have not found too many available for purchase that is within my reach. But i did score one piece by Wayne England, just a simple small painting of a green gem for US$50 shipped. Looks great on the wall. Another artist i was able to contact is Lars grant-west. He has done many pieces with dinosaurs in them, fantasy/national geographic and currently has 2 pieces for sale. Sigh..... decisions has to be made soon. sigh.....

I have had quite a lot of different things to eat lately, good thing i have not gotten fatter yet. I've been driving past this charcoal bbq place, La Parrilada, on parramatta road and finally decided to go yesterday. ALL you can eat MEAT! for $20. Over than being very salty, i thought everything was pretty good. Definitely too much meat for me. After dinner, we went to the sydney park to join the rest of Newtowners in blood moon tan, there were quite a few people there, with their dogs too, but too bad no chanting druids or naked women dancing around a camp fire.