Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I am no art expert... wiki's all to blame

Just wanted to clarify, I did not make up the word "lowbrow". This is what Wiki defines Lowbrow as describes an underground visual art movement that arose in the Los Angeles, California, area in the late 1970s. Lowbrow is a widespread populist art movement with origins in the underground comix world, punk music, hot-rod street culture, and other subcultures. Artist like Mark Ryden (the scary girl print YY has at home), James Jean, Gary baseman, Glenn barr and many others would lie in this category.

As for fantastic contemporary art, it is also a category made famous by artist like Frank Frazetta and many other illustrators that focuses on fantasy and sci-fi art. This category features more of the art produced for the industry, thus more illustrator than fine artist related.

i think it would be very hard to compare lowbrow artists work, for example, Amy sol vs Audrey. Completely different style. But both are still japanese manga related. Obviously Tina prefers the erotic elements of Audrey's work more. And i enjoy the cuteness of the work Amy sol creates within her surreal pieces.

But when it comes to buying work, i would prefer James Jean's work and not Audrey or Amy. I so wish that i could fly to New York just for his exhibition next year.... sigh.....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Todd Lockwood

Todd Lockwood is the master in digital work for fantastic/sci-fi art. I've got two of his prints and my fav is the one he did for some tattoo people, War of Angels. Though done digitally, the details are amazing. Would have been really painful if this was a real tattoo. I just found one of his newer landscape-ee work and thought it is fantastic, Quofum (below). I love the color, the lighting how the forest is dense, but still colorful and appealing.

I think ultimately, i still love fantastic contemporary-themed art than low-brow art.

Amy Sol

Someone different in style from Audrey. Though very cartoon-y and looks digital, her work is done with watercolor and mix of other medium. She also works on wood grained/bamboo. I love how her work is so dreamy. And her little pandas are my fav.

So... who is hotter?

Audrey Kawasaki (Jap) or Amy sol (Korean)