Sunday, September 03, 2006


Varekai, another one of Cirque du Soleil's performances, but not as impressive as any others i have seen. It has become a drag, watching them dance and sing for 15-20 mins, without any spectacular performance. The story is quite disjointed compare to the previous ones i have seen (Qudam and Alegria). The costumes were more extravagant and unusual and the music is still good.

We went with Brian, Tracy and Jeff. Brian and Tracy has never seen them before, but we had completely different views. Tracy loved it. Brian was trying to stay awake, hoping the next act has a tiger or a lion in it. So i guess it's 50/50. Alan, jeff and i thought it wasnt as great as the last few, but still ok. I'll probably think twice the next time i pay so much for tickets.

1 comment:

DnT Blog Guest said...

wow cool. tam and i reckon that alegria was awesome. i took her for her bday when it was here cos i was lucky enough to score some cheap-ish VIP tickets on ebay! it was soo good. I guess the experience was super-enhanced due to the free champagne :) Plus, i don't think i've ever ate so many portuguese tarts in one go at a time. it was like in the Simpsons where Homer's at a party and getting all the food servers to crowd around him while he eats all the snacks and canapés.