Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Gigantic Grapes

I went back to taiwan for a couple of days and see what i found sitting in our fridge at home. Gigantic grapes from japan. Yum. They look and taste Yum. Seedless and Juicy. Bestest ever. :o)


Anonymous said...


i probably won't be able to go back for ages...want TW fruit...now!

DnT Blog Guest said...

Yum. We had of these too. They were quite nice. Had some of those rose apple things. They were just like star fruit. We also had bitter melon juice from the night markets. Not so nice.

I also had some pearl milk tea from Easyway there. Maybe it was because it was the first pearl tea we'd had since probably Easter but it was the best dang pearl milk tea I ever had. I told mum that I could have another two or three but she said no, but that I could have another bitter melon juice because of all the fatty, oily, and heaty food we were eating. I said no and that I wanted a pearl milk tea. She said no, and that I could have a pearl green tea. For the third time I said I wanted the pearl milk tea but she just wouldn't let me. She just didn't understand how good it was. She later realised that the green tea one wasn't that nice and said I could get another pearl milk tea before we left. Sadly, we never got another chance :(

Anonymous said...

lol. i can't believe there was even an argument about having another pearl milk tea. hahaha.

just do it.

bitter melon juice...never tried it.

winter melon juice however is V nice!