Monday, April 30, 2007

Kev walker's Raven Guild Master

This is an older piece by Kev. Smaller than the gardener i've got. Doesnt look that much in the picture, but for something so small (6x7 inch) he has drawn on a lot of details. Yeah! one more piece to my collection.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shelton Bryant

Finishing the thesis means that i have nothing to do, while i search for a job and wait for my thesis to be marked. So for the last two weeks (before working with Carl), i've been on the net... a lot! Looking at pretty Comic, Magic and Fantasy art and finding out how expensive art from famous artist cost. The other thing i found was Shelton Bryant. I dont know much about him, except that he paints one hell of a Batman. Shelton has been interviewed featured in Silverbullet about some of his work. He also has two online galleries for viewing, one on Comic Fan art and DeviantArt. I think his style is really interesting, and mailed him about 2 commission, it was at a reasonable price, i think. Anyway, here is the first one.

In case people dont know who they are, the man is suppose to be Dream (Sandman, Neil Gaiman), I know he might not look like it, but i think the lady on the corner confirms his identity. I love how the shadows and the painting is done. I have no idea the right words to describe art. But i know i like this. So... let me know what you think.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Things in life.... mine

It has been a while since my last update. I guess most of you would know i was busy writing my thesis, and happy to say that all that shit is over. Well, at least i managed to compile my 4 years worth of work into a book of 283 pages. Now i wait for the markers.... sigh.......3 months.....

The months of on and off job search has not landed me any postdoc job so far. Guess that's what i get for not being well published. Yep! No one wants me. :o(
Anyway, i have agreed to work in my old lab for a while, with Carl, while i search for a postdoc position.

After addressing the important stuff in my life, i guess it is time to talk about my current little/HUGE obsession. ART! Not classic art, but fantastic comtemporary art, which includes, fantasy, science fiction and comic art. Ranging from oil painting to digital painting. So here i present one of my favourite artist Kev Walker. An english artist who started with painting in 2000AD programs and in Magic the gathering card game illustrations. He is one of those artists who are too busy to maintain a website, thus making him and his art rather hard to get hold of. His paintings are all rather small in size, but very detailed. I'm not an expert, so according to other artists, he uses watercolour and sometimes acrylic. But no one knows for sure. When i was desperately trying to find any source of his art, i finally came around one person who actually possess about 30 pieces from the card game art (Kamigawa-japanese themed block). And yeah! i bought my first piece of original art.

This piece is the "Budoka Gardener/Dokai Life Weaver". It is a piece that can be viewed in two ways. According to design, the one on the left is an inexperienced monk who attained enough power and became the older/wiser monk on the right, who is calling/conjuring a tree elemental. It is sitting in my living room at the moment, and sigh..... love it.