Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 3 Kyoto

In morning, we woke up early to walk around the largest lake. Well, we could only walk around the hotel. And we found this little castle right next to us. It looks like a castle from far, but when we went close to have a look, it was a museum. Around the area they also have these trees with purple flowers and according to my sunts, these are the flowers female singers have on their hair during the old times.

We left the Lake area and moved on the the Japan sea. Quite different rock formation to those that you see in Australia. And we had lunch there. Their local seafood, AMAEBI(hope i spelt correct) or sweet prawns, fresh with the shell. Anyone who has not tried this, should! when they can. U can get this raw usually with the shell off.

After lunch it was temple time again. This time it is a temple for young men to learn or something. So they had lots of teenagers, male, sent here to become monks for a short time. there were many of them running around, but we were told not to take any of their photos. But we got to look around the whole temple.

Next stop is one of the botanical gardens. Suppose to be famous too. But i dont remember the name. But to me, just another garden. The most amazing thing i can remember are these trees. they have become so big that the branches are drooping, so they created logs as support to let the branches grow over the water. Quite amazing.

That's the end of the third day. NEXT KUROBE DAM


DnT Blog Guest said...

Yay! Updates!!

case-in-point said...

nice pics, esp like the trees

i think those purple flowers are wisteria

mido said...

i think they are.
Bug lady is so Learn-ed