Sunday, September 09, 2007

ROADTRIP! From long ago

APEC started in sydney on friday and due to the traffic restrictions at the circular quay area, everyone in sydney gets friday off. Yeah! Long weekend! So we decided to go for a drive just to get out of the city. And of course we have to start the day with a hearty breaky. Tammy got this blueberry pancake recipe from the news paper, so here it is. It was fantastic. Very very filling too. After breaky, we went home to let the dogs out and also collect all our necessary entertainment (PSP, DS, Comics, Books, Food, Water etc). Today's driver = Des.

Our first destination was set at Coledale. No particular reason except that there was a nice bridge near Pam's place i wanted to revisit. But we overshot the exit and went all the way to Wollongong instead. By then it was already time for lunch. But first things first, to take photos to send to Jeff by phone, just to let him know what he is missing out: the beach, and the good food at Ellie's Cafe right next to the beach. Food took a while to come, but was very good. Their pasta special (des ordered) was quite different, spicy, very nice. Bollywood Pizza (Alan)-great tandoori chicken, and mine Linguine Carbonara, sounds boring but great.

After lunch, it started to rain again, so we did not go onto the beach. Started to drive towards Coledale, where the rain was even heavier. And finally, we reached the bridge but it was too cloudy and the rain just kept coming down. We waited for the rain to subside a little, then went onto the bridge, but that did not last too long. After this, time to go home. And this it when we saw the highlight of the drive. We saw two rainbows. One was faint, the other was bright and brilliant. Alan basically slept through it, but i took a couple of picts. So that was it. Our long APEC weekend.

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