Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Hate Students

Yes.. as the title suggests. The student i had has left/finished his time with me. One important thing to remember before accepting a student, no matter how long he/she will be there, if they say " i will work very hard, please accept me". DONT believe them. The one i had, worked ok. Just didnt like listening to me. Thinks he's so smart. But at the end, he ruined most of the experiments and had to use my own samples. He contaminated culture, mixed up samples during PCR setup, RNA of all samples were degraded... Finally, had to use my samples, finished the last bit with pretty picture and left.

My boss and I thought that i should be reading the report he will be submitting and teach him how to write in the "medical science" way, and i did. But after 4 drafts, he did not seem to be making effort to make the changes that i have suggested, so i had to write 95% of the text and give him ideas for discussion (which he refuses to adopt). I think he had enough of me and wrote "I am flat out for the next two weeks with other assignments, so i think i can take it from here. I will definitely acknowledge OCR for all the work".... Blah blah....

Fantastic student of mine


Feffery said...

Sounds like you had a shitty time working with your student. I think the clumsiness and contaminating the samples is acceptable to a degree but only if they tried their best to not screw it up. Slowness is alright too, seeing that there's always a learning curve to any technique.
But this guy seems to be quite cocky and obviously very half arsed about his work. I hope you get a better student next time.

Anonymous said...

I read this post and then read the other one "My own student". Hope this very student doesn't ruin your desire to become a good lecturer. No pain no gain. :-) Next one will be better. Good luck!

mido said...

well, i will definitely be taking a break from students. dont worry, i'll kill the next one i get. :o)