Wednesday, December 29, 2010

X-mas degustation- Dessert

It's dessert time! We need to get a blast freezer to make Tammy's dessert work better. But it was still good. We finished all the ice cream quickly. Tina's cake was changed to bailey cake. It turned out well and was good. But after finding out what's in it (500g sugar and a stick of butter), I dont think i will want that again.

This concludes the second Praha drinking club meeting and x-mas desgustation 2010. 12 hours of eating and drinking, scrabble on iphones, blurays, pressies and fun.

X-mas degustation- Dinner

We all came back from our walk to start with Desmond's Turducken. Yes... the turkey stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a chicken and bacon stuffing. He was up the whole night deboning all the poultry, stuffing them and sewing them back together. This was the first thing that went into the oven when they came at around 1 plus pm. It cooked for around 4-5 hours

It was excellent! If I werent too full, i would have eaten much more. As we are all stuffed, we canceled the baked fish and moved on to the tenderloin steak, which i decided to place like a fruit. I thought it was cute. :)

X-mas degustation- lunch

Everything went well, we started a bit late for lunch with everyone starving and Samson serving everyone his Mojito in a bowl. The entree lasted til around 5pm with everyone too full to go on and have to have a break. So we all went out for a walk with the doggies before we move on to the mains for dinner.

X-mas Degustation 2010

Looking at the collage i have at home before x-mas, we decided to do a repeat of the Praha drinking party this year. Five years after the first one. All up there are seven of us and we've decided that everyone should cook something and pair it up with a drink. We will start at lunch time and finish late, spacing out each of the dishes over 12 hours.... hmm.... this will be fun. Here's what we had, pictures will come soon. Hehe, i created little icons for each person's name So the cook for each dish has the cook's name icon and are also on the christmas tree.