Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Own Student

Hehe... i have been organising to take this work placement student from Sydney for the last week and YES! he will be coming and working under me for about 3 months. Yes yes... i know you guys said not to waste my time on a lousy student who will not be here enough to generate any data. But it will be good for me if i eventually get more students... hey, maybe i will become a lecturer or something. I will be going to a "supervising students" course, so i will be a good teacher.... haha....
will update on what happens.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Birthday present for ME!

It has been about one year since i bought myself a nice painting. I stumbled upon this relatively new artist who is very influenced by asian/japanese styly painting. I found one of the paintings he had up for auction for "Microvisions" and it was amazing (at least to me). I was planning to bid on it, but for that little painting, the final price was $1100+. way too high for a small 5 x 7 inch painting. But it was definitely very nice and i can see that he might be the next james jean. So i had a look at his stuff, oh by the way he is Sam Weber, and found that he also got a gold book award in Spectrum and has received many awards through his career, so far. I decided to contact him about his artwork for sale and found that his award winning piece "Thirteen Orphans" is still for sale and decided to get it from him (after very very serious considerations). He has been very nice, arranged everything by Fedex, prompt with responding.

BUT! the disappointment came when the painting arrived. Somehow, the painting was dented/creased on the centre right of the painting. Sob sob........ then i found that the insurance was seriously under the actual value, which makes claiming anything from Fedex troublesome. I contacted him about this and the GOOD thing is, he took all the blame and is willing to compensate for it. Yeah! Now he is sending me another piece (i chose another art over partial refunds or prints), called "Daniel in the lions den". Yeah! two pieces of art from a great artist. Now i just have to get it all framed. Anyway, here it is.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cirque du Soleil: Drallion

Another year has passed and Cirque du Soleil is here again. Though i didnt plan on going this year, seeing that i have been to their show so many times, i thought i have had enough. But since tracy asked, i thought, why not? Better not break the tradition.

This time it is Dralion. So we all went expecting the whole performance to be more asian than ever. We got the usual, bendy girls, jumping chinese little men, girl twirling around in long silky towel. One funny thing is all three of us was so bored with one of the performance, we all dozed off a little. Just a little. But there is one memorable one, they had a few of the acrobats on a trampoline. That was good. Anyway, i really dont think i wanna go anymore. Too much circus!!