Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Own Student

Hehe... i have been organising to take this work placement student from Sydney for the last week and YES! he will be coming and working under me for about 3 months. Yes yes... i know you guys said not to waste my time on a lousy student who will not be here enough to generate any data. But it will be good for me if i eventually get more students... hey, maybe i will become a lecturer or something. I will be going to a "supervising students" course, so i will be a good teacher.... haha....
will update on what happens.


Feffery said...

Cool you're updating your blog quite regularly nowadays.

Even cooler that you're getting a student!!

Feffery said...

Hit publish too soon....

I reckon it's gonna be awesome, you might not get much work out of him/her but at least you can put that down on your CV and get some teaching supervising experience out of it.