Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cirque du Soleil: Drallion

Another year has passed and Cirque du Soleil is here again. Though i didnt plan on going this year, seeing that i have been to their show so many times, i thought i have had enough. But since tracy asked, i thought, why not? Better not break the tradition.

This time it is Dralion. So we all went expecting the whole performance to be more asian than ever. We got the usual, bendy girls, jumping chinese little men, girl twirling around in long silky towel. One funny thing is all three of us was so bored with one of the performance, we all dozed off a little. Just a little. But there is one memorable one, they had a few of the acrobats on a trampoline. That was good. Anyway, i really dont think i wanna go anymore. Too much circus!!


Feffery said...

I was thinking of going to see that myself.
But meh, sounds very much the run of the mill typical Cirque do Soleil.

mido said...

well, if you like it you should go. But one thing is, it is better than varekai. More action. Less singing.