Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dinner at the POWER house

A couple of us got invited to dinner at Carl's place last friday. And due to popular demand, Carl made his very famous greek chicken pie. There are few people in the laboratory who have had the chance to try the pie.
History of Carl's Pie
Carl baked the pie three years ago at our X-mas party at Pam's place. Everyone loved it and at least three people asked if we can take the left overs home. But there was only a quarter left and there was only one winner who took all the pie home, and she will remain annoymous. So since then we have not had a chance to have the pie again.
POWER Continued
So when Carl asked us to come over for dinner, i think someone requested that he make his pie, and so he did. So we all went on a friday evening all anticipating the fabulous pie. Other than the pie, Carl also made some very nice spicy BBQ chicken wings, lovely pesto rice, and a green salad which i could not fit in anymore after all the other food. Anyway, time to show the pie. I thought it looked really interesting close-up. So i'll show everyone a close-up of the pie. And just to clarify, the pie looks and taste heaps better, just that my phone camera sucks. here it goes
hehe.... it looks like a tummy close-up doesnt it :o)
Well, better show the whole pie now.
Yeah! that's it. the delicious Greek Chicken Pie
that is the slice i had with baked potato.
After dinner, Carl made home-made Vanilla ice-cream. Not with real vanilla pods, but a vanilla essence from mexico (suppose to be 50x stronger than normal essence), which was fantastic. Not very sweet, creamy and vanilla-y. We also had the sweets Melinda made for X-mas, blueberry truffles, white choc fudge, and others i cant remember the name of. But they were all fantastic. Dinner was excellent, thank you Carl and Melinda.


DnT Blog Guest said...

Yum! I've never heard of Greek chicken pie before. Is it really that good?

mido said...

i can get the recipe if you wanna try making it. but i think he uses two different recipe, one for the filling and one for the pastry. yes it is very nice.
we'll try to make it when you get back