Sunday, December 24, 2006

X-mas EVE


So it is the time of the year again for all the eating and drinking, and this year, Tina suggested that we do a full-day eating and drinking from lunch til dinner. So a bunch of us did. The plan was for people to start coming over to my place at about 2pm in the afternoon and we can all start cooking together the stuff we planned to do. Two rain drenched people rocked up a little late. But hey there is plenty of time for food, 2 pm til 12 am. Naturally, we started with a little chips and dips. Then for the first main, Chinese Cabbage Parcels (I made from jamie olver's recipe).

there is chicken coriander and other stuff in it. Easy to make which turned out pretty yummy.

Up next we had raw oysters we got from the fish market yesterday, then Tina did her very very spicy (literally choking) grilled prawns. Of course she blames me for telling her to put the spice on generously. But i though they were very good, i am sure alan would have loved them if he was here. Next, contributed by jeff, a abalone which he dug out from his fridge at home. Butter and peppered abalone. Well, not everyone liked it, cause it was a little chewy. But i liked it. After we finished those stuff, it was half time. And all the cooking and eating (and drinking in jeff's case) was so tiring that some people had to take a nap.


After the afternoon nap the sleepy heads woke up and we started having dinner. I made a tuna carpaccio which looked nice, but taste..... meh. probably too much parsley in the sauce. Tracy made a great salad which i do not have pictures of, and my lamb with mint sauce, which did not turn out the way i had hoped but tasted good.

After the mains, my tummy went a little weird, probably too much food for the whole day. So the rest of them carried on with the prawns and started making desert. Jeff made his raspberry tarts and Tina her chocolate fondants.

so this is what we had for x-mas eve. i think we did pretty well.

Merry Christmas Everyone


Anonymous said...


u make me sound like such a horrible person :-D

i didn't think the curtain looks hideous, u did

thanks for being the host and making so much delicious food.

and i'm glad i didn't kill jeff hehe

DnT Blog Guest said...

Merry Xmas!!