Saturday, December 30, 2006

Y: the last man

What will you do if all the men in the world died suddenly except for one man? What if you are the last man alive? I think this is the question many of you girls would have thought about at some point in your life. Brian K Vaughan's graphic novel series. Y: the last man, has given some possibilities to what will happen to the world if all men died except for one.

This novel series was an impulse buy. My Kino membership discount is coming to an end, and the next renewal will cost me $15. So i decided to spend more money to get save more money (i know it doesnt sound right, but that is my logic). Anyway, bought the first 2 volumes of the graphic novel and found that they were more interesting than expected.

So anything on earth with the Y-chromosome died one fine day except for an amateur escape artist, Yorick Brown, and his monkey. He travelled everywhere in search of his mom first, then his sister, ultimately trying to find a way to Australia to find the girlfriend. The women started forming different groups trying to organise the world again, including daughters of Amazons, who burnt off one of their breasts, and tries to kill the last man alive.

Well, i will have to get the rest of the series to know what has happened and is going to happen. I am really excited about this now. Very interesting......


Anonymous said...

You'd think that women would be all over him rather than being hunted down by single breasted Amazons.

mido said...

Tina, i have no idea why the amazons burnt their breast off. I guess we'll have to wait for the author to tell us why.

Yeah.. you think you can live without men, but i think the book will tell you otherwise. Of course, it is writtne by a MAN

Anonymous said...

i believe we need men for the unique entertainment they provide us.

of course, some of us should definitely breed so we can get more doctors, waitors, comic book writers and other such important people useful to me.