Sunday, January 07, 2007


One of my favourite desert is the peanut cookie, the chinese style, or maybe more the nyonya type. And here in OZ, you can get those only at some of the oriental shops which are not very good at all (but i still buy them). So i got Alan to get some nicer ones when he went back to singapore this time from Bengawan Solo (one of the most popular cake branches in singapore). The ones he got wasnt too bad, but not good enough, so i went online to search for the recipes to make some, but it was a little complicated, since everyone calls it different things, peanut melts etc. But alan found one to try out.

This is what they looked like before they are cooked. Basically, its peanuts, lots of sugar and lots of fat (Butter) and a bit of baking soda.

And here they are all cooked, together with his little man which acquired a ball of sorts during the bake.

They look really nice, but were different from the ones they have in singapore.... sigh.... so back to the internet to find more sources. Then i came by a blog from a malaysian lady (i think) who has a food blog with recipes, emailed her and she sent me the recipe she uses, and here it is: PERFECT!

Yeah! Now i dont have to buy anymore of the crappy ones from the supermarket. Yeah!

For those who are interested and can find time to make these: here is a link to the original site where i got the recipe from: teckiee


Anonymous said...

Yea its pretty damn gooood. Should go sell them!!

Anonymous said...

Did you end up eating that basketball cookie dude?

Anonymous said...

oh wow cool!

where's mine?


so, u been to the gym lately? (don't hit me)


DnT Blog Guest said...

they are yum as! nope, the basketball dude was ours ;) He was tasty too.

mido said...

We tried to make the cookies with Pistachio but did not taste as good as the peanut and a lot more ex to make with.

you are never around for the goodies tina. So nothing for you.
And yes, tina, still go to gym. :oP

Alan said...

go see my blot go see my blot, i updated pictures