Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

Went to watch Pan's Labyrinth on Sat. at Dendy's newtown. This is written and directed by Guillermo del Toro (Director of Hellboy, mimic etc). The story went straight into the fantasy world with the little girl (Ofelia) and her mom. I was a little angry with the dendy there, when the entire movie did not fit the screen. The top part of the movie was outside the screen and when Alan went to complain about it, they said that they could not do anything about it. Ergg.... but oddly, it became ok later, so that was good. Anyway, I wont go into the story, but just that i liked it, not expecting that much violence (but was ok), hoped that there was more fantasy element in it, but loved the characters. If you are undecided about the movie, you can go have a look at the Pan's Labyrinth website. But definitely worth going. Just look at the awards and nominations the movie's got.


case-in-point said...

i wanted to see that movie ;-p
looks abit scary though.

i like ur new blog format

but did u have to call me bug lady?


DnT Blog Guest said...

i like violence!!! grrr!!!!

ZT, her full name is bug sex lady.

when did he call you that anyway?

mido said...

Isnt that the theme of your blog.
Or do you prefer something else related to food? hmm...
what about GG? Gastro-Gal!

case-in-point said...


the link on his blog to mine is "bug lady"

Gastro Gal...LOLOLOL. that's even worse haha. i sound like i have a disease.

mido said...

I like GG (Gastro Gal). Sounds better than the other one i had in mind. :oD