Sunday, January 21, 2007

Oh GOSH! Dinner!

Went to des and tam's place for dinner today. Didnt cook anything for dinner, but help make a souffle and screwed up a little of the stuff. This lemon souffle with almond on top. We added two less egg whites cos we ran out of eggs, the texture was a little harder than expected, probably because of the egg whites, but it wasnt too bad. Will keep people posted when we try to make it again.
Brought the desert over with a 5L keg of beer. Des cooked the whole day and made a spanish seafood paella. It was great! Squid, mussels, Chorizo, Prawns, Chicken..... Yumm... Very very filling too. And to go with it.... Sangria, homemade. Very nice too. Very very fruity. :o)

Des made a desert. Orange cake. hehe. He didnt buy enough cheese, so it was a little thin and full of cookie base. But taste wise, was still ok. We'll have to get him to try to make it again.

After dinner, we watched Napoleon Dynamite. Though i have seen this show sit on the civic store for the last few years, i have not rented it. But it turned out to be quite funny......" Oh! Gosh!"......

Thanks for dinner Dez+Tam

1 comment:

DnT Blog Guest said...

Hi! Cool pictures. My first real cooking "adventure" in ages. I'm just happy that no one got hurt as a result. Thanks for coming over and thanks for the Heiny! Have to do it more often. Plus, mum and dad came up today and we've now got all our cookbooks back again! So, expect more wacky and hopefully tasty treats. Tam's turn to cook next.